The Last Practice

Digital Paint, 2024

Lewis always had a thing for matching colors. He impulsively bought his blue guitar after accidentally dyeing his hair blue. His obsessive thoughts extended to his bandmates as well. Bubby received a pair of yellow shoes just because they perfectly matched his yellow guitar, and Lewis made sure he wore them to every practice and gig. John, the drummer, never had to worry about what to wear because Lewis always had an outfit picked out for him. It was Cathy that he couldn’t force anything on. She would come to practices however she wanted. This time, she wore a striped top that Lewis couldn’t stand, but he held his tongue because it was her last day in town before moving abroad to study.

Lewis couldn’t help but wonder, What were they going to do without her? Was this their last gathering and practice as a band? It was the bitter-sweet moment of realization that things were about to change forever.